Do you know how to Tell the Difference between Honey bees and yellow jackets?
Honey bees are a dulled golden muddy beige while yellow jackets are a brighter neon-like yellow. Honey bees have thicker bodies with thicker wings. Honey bees only have one sting and they know it, so will often just bump into you as a scare tactic rather than resort to a fast death by stinging. They actually prefer not to sting unless they feel very threatened. Yellow jackets can sting repeatedly without death as a result. They tend to be a little more aggressive and more likely to sting when feeling threatened. Just mind your own business and don’t swat at them and likely they will leave you alone.
We try to be kind to the bees because we enjoy their honey in our gourmet teas and snacks! Lisa is the sweetest beekeeper there could be! We carry honey in different sizes from her very own bees.
Lisa’s Bee Farm